Matoula Piscopani
Overcoming any life experience on this human journey is best achieved when there is honest conversation, heart-to-heart listening and unconditional love.
Hello! Welcome! My name is Matoula Piskopani, owner of Rebirthing Breathwork. Rebirthing Breathwork is both a spiritual and scientific technique that uses the breath to help healing and personal growth for you. It might be hard to believe that Something so simple as the breath can result in powerful experiences that change your life in “wow” kinds of ways. But I am here to tell you it is true….because I have experienced the miracles of the breath through Breathwork in my own healing life path.
My personal progress and life experience…
My personal progress and life experience with Breathwork puts me in a position to support you to the extent you want. In my many years of working with clients, this work bridges a beautiful relationship like nothing else I have used. I believe this: We are all human beings with weaknesses and vulnerabilities and it is that fact that allows me to be able to support others in their journey to healing. I have been there many times and I understand lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, overcoming difficulties, getting stuck in the potholes of life and finding the courage to emerge from deep fear. I also know, through my Breathwork experiences what it means to thrive and be fully alive, wholly grateful and to reconnect with laughter and joy in life.
What do clients take away ?
At first, some of my clients don’t want to let go into the process. They resist and struggle with the breathing or the music etc. Yet, when they do finally let go and allow their own sweet breath to lead the way – the rewards are immense! “Where did this all come from ?” is often the way people respond after a breathwork session …they are astounded at the experience and often feel relaxed, at peace and joyful. Days after, the insights and wisdom begin to work miracles in their lives as change starts to happen for them. I am always guided to work with you by the questions you ask me, and the issues you want to explore. I am committed to providing you a Safe, respectful environment for your process so you can enjoy the rewards in yourself and in your life that you breath can provide.
I have 20 plus years experience as a Breathwork facilitator and trainer and am part of the International Breathwork Foundation. I show you, my international clientele how your breath is a miracle that can release your barriers to living life in a positive and uplifting way, no matter what is going on.
Learn from me how your breath and rebirthing breathwork experiences are powerful sources for joy in a love-centered lif

My greatest joy is to provide love and support to others. My own life experiences and journey are not unlike anyone else’s, which is why my clients find me so relatable, approachable and compassionate. Along the way I have learned that smiles and tears are the language of the heart and it is only through the heart that things can change. I am a nurturing presence for your healing journey who walks beside you, not ahead of you.
As a child I remember being interested in seeing the world and traveling, living a life rich in experiences. I think looking back, to a large extent I succeeded. I was born in Athens. My father worked for several years on Delos – an island that imbued me with energy and from there I found myself living permanently in Mykonos for most of my life. Both islands have shaped me. I was blessed to meet people from all walks of life and Ι have work in difficult and demanding conditions. On Delos my spiritual quests began to take on real dimensions and I made my first breakthroughs from there and in Mykonos.
Broadening my horizons I allowed self-care by turning to loo within. Working individually and in groups, I engaged in Meditations, Reiki, Conscious Hypnosis, Craniosacral Therapy, Conscious Breathing, In my travels to India for years I was left in the hands of monastic spiritual practices and later guiding groups. I met with Shamans in Brazil, for initiations in the oasis of the urban jungle. These trips continued even when I moved in other continents and moved to New Zealand for 7 years.
My return to Greece found me in relation to the beginning of my spiritual journey from the placement of a visionary – pioneer to an adult position of professional recognition in the global firmament.
My love for inner awakening – the way I used to call it back then – now I call it Connection, led me to follow the paths that I felt benefited from and which I still continue to this very day.
My first spiritual value was Reiki. This path opened my eyes to a world that I always felt existed. I was given the opportunity to explore it and externalise it by connecting the inner world with the outer world, from energy to matter.
The next step was Conscious Breathwork. For years I practiced as an amateur and only when I was left in the hands of an experienced Rebirthing practitioner was I able to experience the depth of healing for the first time in my life in cellular muscle memory.
Then I had a call for the healing space of the Shamans, a path that embraces Nature and its elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether as an inseparable part of a whole, of the Universal World and Man as a part of it.
Today finds me having achieved the title of Reiki Master, in the Usui method,
Today finds me holding the responsibility and joy of the National Representative for Greece under the flag of the International Breathwork Foundation for 16 + consecutive years.
Today, I hold the title of a Breathwork School Instructor with global certification from the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance.
Today I have completed the Shamanic Medicine Wheel already twice and keep going with the Qero tradition of the Peruvian Andean tribe, helping other people in Greece and globally to enter the path of Shamanic healing.
Today I practice as a Mental Health Counselor and have begun studying Psychotherapy with the Intergative Approach.
Today I am interested in Ethics and Standards of Training as an instructor, and a therapist and as a person. My volunteer work on awakening to ethical and moral issues in our alternative and therapeutic space finds me in a volunteers working group of global interest with corresponding professionals from around the world.
I love to provide experiences that everyone welcomes in the safest possible environment, leading to Holistic Health. Life is an experiential journey. Within this safe environment everybody can work restoratively and create space for empowering fulfillment.
Contact Matoula here

“Matoula has changed the lives of many people for the better by her rebirthing sessions and by organizing seminars for teachers like myself. She is a real blessing.”