Cancellation Policy for online and in person sessions.

1. Clients are advised to consult with the Practitioner for availability prior to payments.

2. Once the session is paid clients have the right to transfer the date & time of the session 48 hrs prior to the scheduled time.

3. Fail of notice from the client equals to a full compensation without the client holding the Practitioner responsible to either refund, or transferring the session to another date.

4.In the event of a discount to pre-paid sessions, the Practitioner is not responsible to refund any of this remaining amount if the client changes his/her mind.

5. In a no show case, or in a delay from the client, the client is not entitled to compensation in any amount of remaining funds and the session is subject to complete at the scheduled time it was paid for.

6. Any bank or other money transfer/exchange charges, are falling into the client’s responsibility.

7. All online sessions are prepaid.