Shamanic Fire Rituals
The Shamanic Fire Rituals are experiential mini-retreats that run every Full Moon and New Moon.
Fire is one of the five elements that compose the universe and the body, namely Air, Ether, Water, and Earth. Fire is the one that ignites the spark of Creation and also the one that can consume it. As it is a transformation element it incorporates all other four elements in it.
The Moon like all the universe has its meaning and impact on your body, life, and the cosmos. Each moon cycle indicates the transitions of your life.
The full moon signifies the completion, or ending, of cycles that have reached their peak point, fulfilled, or done.
The new moon signifies the beginnings, the seeds, the growth, the new.
Participating in a fire ritual enhances your awareness in ways that only you can comprehend. The Fire itself is a great teacher shedding light on areas that you were not previously conscious of and gifting you the great wisdom that is required for immediate transformation.