Fire Ceremony on the Full Moon
Under the starlit sky, you invoke a gratitude line of prayers between you and the Great God Spirit – no matter the religion or the philosophy. It is a spiritual practice that has no religious connotation.
The Fire is one of the elements of the total five sacred elements that comprise the Cosmos. It is no coincidence that the fire has been worshipped across the world, in all traditions and philosophies.
The Fire contains all elements as is the alchemistic element of all.
The full moon is the time of the month`s completion. Through your prayers, you connect with everything you have reflected upon and you call upon letting go.
It is also a full light under which nothing can remain a secret. What would you like to bring up on the surface, show its face, and that it can no longer stay hidden?
The light of the full moon is also fulfilling. Pray and reflect with the essence of gratitude for anything you would like to call for fulfillment.
This is an ancient tradition of the Shamans that is carried out in purity and unaltered in the eons.
You are welcome to join. Please RSVP for registration and instructions/directions.
Entrance fee 10 euros.